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7 Tips to Speak French Fluently
1.Study in a country where French is a primary language. By completely immersing yourself in a francophone country, you are forced into a situation where you must speak the language. Even living abroad for a few months provides the added benefit of surrounding yourself with native speakers. This is a significant plus as you then hear the rhythms of the language and experience French culture first hand. France, Belgium and the province of Quebec in Canada are examples of francophone countries. Other areas where French is largely spoken include Switzerland, French Polynesia, and some West African countries like Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Togo and Benin. These latter examples have the advantage of being generally less expensive.
2.Enroll in French classes with a native speaker. Signing up for French classes is a good idea if going abroad is not an option. However, careful consideration should be given to the instructor. If possible, enroll in a class where the instructor is a native speaker. In general, the French can be quite peculiar when it comes to accents and pronunciation. By studying with a native speaker, students gain the advantage of not only speaking the word correctly but also speaking with panache. Also, when searching for a school, seek out those that are affiliated with programs in France, such as the Alliance Francais. Be willing to put even 15 minutes every single day into studying French, because everyday practice is much more effective than studying it only once or twice a week.
3.Listen to French being spoken. This may seem like an obvious choice, but it takes months before the brain can fully adapt to the new sounds that it is hearing. One way to work with this is to listen to radio, television and film spoken in French. As well as giving the brain a better chance to grasp what it is hearing, this will also increase your vocabulary and listening skills. If you're a beginner, avoid trying to take in the entire phrase and instead listen for any words that are familiar. If you can understand even a few words, you can attempt to piece together what was said.
4.Find a buddy to practice with. To gain fluency, speaking regularly is a must and speaking to yourself is not going to cut it. With this in mind, search for someone both online and in person to practice with. Meeting in person will focus on spontaneous situations and can include a night at the local French restaurant and ordering everything in French, or a challenge to see who can communicate throughout the night only using French Online forums focus on writing and grammar skills and can include a group or simply one other person.
Speaking French.
5.Dare to be bold. When attempting to gain fluency, it is important to allow yourself room to make mistakes. No one is going to expect a learner to speak perfectly from the start. Fluency can take a minimum of two years. Although it may be awkward at first, knowing that you speak horribly will eventually provide opportunities for humor. And oftentimes when people see someone trying and having fun while doing so, they are more likely to offer friendly suggestions as to how to improve and to engage in conversation in general.
6.Include the gender of nouns in vocabulary lists. All French nouns are either masculine or feminine. In their singular form, masculine nouns are designated by "le" and feminine by "la" or "un" and "une." This becomes even more important later as some adjectives, nouns and verbs will need to altered as a result of the noun's gender. A good way to memorize this is to always include the article, definite or indefinite, with the noun when creating vocabulary lists. An example of this is the word "table." In English, we simply say, "The table" or "A table." In French, the word table is feminine and so the word is accompanied by the feminine article "la" or "une." Table is spelled the same way in French and so the word now becomes "La table" or "Une table.".
7.Conjugate verbs depending on their tense. No one is going to expect a learner to speak in full sentences. But it is important to know that French verbs can be conjugated in as many as six different ways. For beginners, verbs will mainly be spoken in the present tense and gradually conjugation will be filtered into the lessons. Until then, it is a good idea to learn at least a five new verbs per week. Even if speaking in the past tense, at least some form of conversation can be had. Then as you become more familiar with the structure French, you can use the cognates for each verb.
There is a lot of programs that can help you to become like a native speaker, here is two examples:
Audible French.
Rocket French.
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